The Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) plant has a long history in traditional medicine and although in the last 100 years its use has been stigmatized by the recreational aspect, the truth is that due to both the by-products that can be obtained from it (textiles, flours, etc.) and its therapeutic capacity, it has been cultivated for centuries in many different cultures.
It is an easy herbaceous crop, however, as with almost all plants intended for intensive agriculture, if what is sought is high quality and maximum production must be technified cultivation, more if the final product must be pharmaceutical grade.
Similarly, due to the requirements of Colombian regulations for the transformation of raw material into medicinal derivatives, the processing plant must meet high quality standards.
Pharma bio green, in its commitment and obligation to comply with the law has designed both the growing areas and the processing plant with the highest and current technology. Greenhouses, substrates, supplementary lighting, water treatment, fertilization, pest control, drying rooms, extraction and packaging machinery, etc. all manufactured by top companies in the agricultural and pharmaceutical sector.
Production of Psychoactive Products
THC Crystal (99% purity)
Result of the extraction and concentration of the main psychoactive phytocannabinoid of cannabis. Although the products containing this molecule are on the list of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, currently there are already drugs authorized with THC such as Sativex, Dronabinol or even Nabilone, a drug that imitates tetrahydrocannabinol. These substances are already used to control nausea, vomiting and appetite, as well as in the treatment of moderate/severe spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. Studies have also shown its usefulness as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, muscle relaxant, antitumor and neuroprotective.
Pure cannabis oil with thc content greater than 1%.
Production of Non Psychoactive Products
CBD Crystal (99% purity)
Extract of the main cannabinoid of the plant. Studies on cannabidiol showed its usefulness to relieve anxiety, pain, nausea, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, as well as its use as an anti-inflammatory. It is not controlled by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
CBG Crystal (97% purity)
Studies have shown that phytocannabiode cannabigerol is a molecule with anti-inflammatory potential, being useful to decrease eye pressure or intestinal inflammations. They have also demonstrated their antidepressant capacity as well as inhibition of the growth of cancer cells, which is why they are beginning to be used in oncological studies. This extract is not controlled by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
pure cannabis oil with thc content less than 1%
Seed flour
Hemp flour is an excellent source of digestible vegetable protein (45% of husked seed). In addition, it has vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements essential for maintaining a healthy state. It is currently used in many food preparations. Its amino acids make it an important nutritional supplement for protein diets that seek to increase muscle mass.
Extract of seeds
Purified seed oil
Obtained after the cold pressing of the seeds, the oil of hemp seeds possesses a 20% fatty acids Omega-3 alpha linolénico and a content in tocoferoles higher than in the majority of vegetable oils, helping to reduce the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases or macular degeneration, in addition to possess antioxidant power. 50% of its global market is used in the food industry, the other half being for cosmetic applications and other industrial uses.